A new mission has been added to ARMASAD Presidents
1 Ocak 2022
3. Armasad Istanbul Fair
1 Ocak 2022Between 17-19/11/2017 at Ankara Altınpark ANFA Fair Operations “2. ARMASAD Beekeeping Fair” was organized. 48 companies participated in our fair and opened stands in the fair area. Participating companies brought their products and placed products in their stands during the night that connects November 16 to November 17. Companies from many cities such as Istanbul, Çorum, Sivas, Erzincan, Niğde, İzmir, Bursa, Adana, Muğla, Konya, Mersin, Tekirdağ, Samsun, Ordu, Ankara and Kayseri came to our fair. As of 17/11/2017 at 08.30, the cleaning of the fairground has started and at the same time, the walking paths of the fairground and the carpets of the booth interiors have been laid. This situation is clearly seen in the security camera recordings inside and outside the fairground. The companies participating in our fair signed the participation agreements before the fair and deposited the participation fees to the relevant bank accounts. This is clearly seen in bank statements and signed contracts. Harun KAYAPA, the owner of Hekas Beehive company, also verbally conveyed his wish to participate in our fair before the fair, and then the conditions of participation were explained to him as well as to every participant. After the explanations, Harun KAYAPA stated that he will definitely sign a contract and make payment until 16/11/2017, as he stated on his social media account, that his address is Ankara Harun Harun KYP Rikeb Nes Siteler Taşdelen Cad. He declared that it is 873/2 street 14/3 and 1 km away from the fairground. If he does not pay, he has verbally informed our secretary of the association that he will not have any objection to not being admitted to the fair. After all this, booth number 7 was reserved for him and was not given to another company until the specified date. The company has also been added to the fair promotion catalog of our fair. Harun KAYAPA came to the fair area around 09:30 in the morning of 17/11/2017 (1st day of the fair) and although he did not pay, the stand allocated to him is still waiting and if he pays immediately, he can use the specified stand provided that he can exhibit his own products, by the association’s vice president and the association’s treasurer. reported to him. It has been stated that due to the cleanliness of the fairground and the carpet being laid, it is not possible to enter the fairground with a vehicle and that it can carry its products to the stand area. It is seen in the security camera records of the fairground that the stand reserved for Harun KAYAPA was empty at the time of this meeting and the name of his company (HEKAS) was written on the pediment of the stand. Harun KAYAPA stated that he could make the payment and that he wanted to exhibit and promote products belonging to another company besides the products he produced at his stand, but that this is not possible, if he wishes, there is another empty stand, that stand can be given on behalf of the company he wants to exhibit his products, provided that the fee is paid, and that the exhibition of those products is not possible. It was explained to him that this would be possible. Since the products of the company, which he stated on social media, were brought in large quantities and quantities, this offer was sent to him. Harun KAYAPA persistently stated that he wanted to exhibit both his own products and the products of another company at the stand for which he did not pay. Thereupon, the company name was removed from the stand pediment reserved for him and the stand was closed. Later, one of the companies participating in the fair saw that the stand was empty and conveyed the need for additional space, and informed that he wanted to use this place by making the payment. This request was approved and after the payment was made, the stand in question was allocated to this company. On the first day of the fair (17/11/2017), it was heard that Harun KAYAPA made some publications about the events described above from his social media accounts. When these publications are examined, it is seen that Harun KAYAPA Hekas Beehive company has expressed his criticisms about the events described above and the fair in the video and comments posted on his social media account “https://www.facebook.com/kypharun” in the dimension of slander. The person goes one step further and implies that unfair competition is caused among the hive manufacturers during the fair as a result of not being admitted to the fair. In our fair, close to 10 beehive manufacturer companies, which are members of the association or not, exhibited the products of their own manufacture. If Harun KAYAPA has any evidence to prove that the events described above are not as described, it must be officially shared immediately. If Harun KAYAPA continues to make such statements despite the warning sent to him through the notary public, we will announce to him and the public that a legal process will be initiated against him.